The BATMAN Covid 19 Delays
2020 keeps delivering!!
The movie going world was absolutely floored by the David Fincheresque look and feel of the new BATMAN trailer that premiered at DC Fandome in late August.
We also learned from the filmmakers that only 25% of the film had been shot on the London based set and a very precarious release date appeared at the end of the trailer reading ?0?1.
No doubt just a bit of fun regarding the fact that this COVID Virus assures that NO EVENT IS SET IN STONE.
Well I think the producers believe they must have jinxed themselves because as of today The Batman production has been shut down due to its leading man Robert Pattinson contracting the virus.
More great news in a year that just keeps delivering one shit story after another..
Who knows how long before they get back up and running what with testing, quarantining and safety measures put in place.
Just another blow to movie fans who have had their 2020 turn into an absolute calamity!!
The BATMAN is a fresh take on The Dark Knight from Director Matt Reeves who gave us the recent “Planet of the Apes” saga of films, all of which were immensely entertaining.
The films also jam packed with great talent such as Zoe Kravitz playing Catwoman, Paul Dano as the Riddler and an unrecognizable Colin Farrell as The Penguin not to mention all time great character actor Jeffrey Wright taking on the role of Commissioner Gordon.

“It’s a criminological experiment. He’s trying to figure out what he can do to finally change this place. You see that he’s charting what he’s doing, and he’s seeing he isn’t having any of the effect that he wants to have yet,” Reeves said recently at the DC Fandome event that revealed the new trailer. “The murders start to happen, and the murders start to describe a history of Gotham. It only reinforces what he knows about Gotham, but opens up a whole world of corruption that went much further.”
Fingers crossed that 2021 is still a possibility because this will easily be the most anticipated film for many a movie goer.